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Executive committee


 Rite Antonio Bermúdez Asprilla


Rito He is the founder of Afroestudiantes and current President of the foundation. He has a degree in Natural Sciences and the Environment from the University of Tolima, Pharmacist Regent from the National Open and Distance University UNAD. He was linked in document management, environmental promoter, pedagogical co-manager and trainer of the first topics in an Afro-Colombian chair in the Cali Valle del Cauca mayor's office.  Subsequently, he held the position of operational coordinator in the national school of sport and assistance to students, teachers and administrators in the Accessory to students regarding the scholarship agreement and decree 1627 between the  (IU END) and (AFROESTUDIANTES) current position.


Luis Abelardo Miranda Carabalí


Luis is a member of the executive committee of the Afro-Colombian student union, currently working as an advisory lawyer in administrative criminal law at LEADER ABOGADOS. Previously, he worked in the teaching sector, he has held other positions in other companies such as legal advisor and coordinator of the Afro-Colombian thematic axis program, creator of the chair of Afro-Colombian studies from neurolinguistic programming, lecturer at national and international level, writer of different essays on phenotypic and linguistic structural racism, he was legal advisor to the insurance group of the municipality of Santiago de Cali and pedagogue in relation to the citizen culture program for police guards and civic taxi drivers in the mayor's office of Cali valle del cauca,  president at CODESINCUL CORPORACION PARA EL DESARROLLO SOCIAL DE LA CULTURA.

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Gladis Amalfi Arias Bermúdez


Gladis has a degree in child education in Pereira. She has held various positions in Afroestudiantes, which she initially joined as a volunteer. She is the representative and social manager in the department of Risaralda. She is also part of the executive committee and holds the position of Secretary of the Afro-Colombian student union.


Martha Lucia Mancilla


Martha is a member of the union, she is an economist. She initially joined as a volunteer. She has worked as a Commercial Manager designer of nutritional diets master formulas and in the promotion of a healthy life through physical culture (sports).

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