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We are an NGO of cooperation for the integral development of the human being in society with a mission that is based on the value and respect of the dignity of the people; in confidence, in the ability to get ahead in life with one's own work (self-governance), the engine of individual and family development; source of freedom, creativity and independence.


Therefore, we seek to promote job opportunities among people of all ages, young people and adults, who live in situations of poverty or extreme poverty, in environments where it is difficult to get out of those situations without external help. Our activity consists of promoting economic development in these people, creating conditions so that later, this development can grow, expand in other territories and be self-sustaining; In other words, we try to make it easier for families to increase their income autonomously and sustainably; and, in this way, allow them to also improve in other fundamental aspects of their lives: education, health, material conditions, etc.


To create different opportunities, adapting our social enterprise methodology system (social multi-entrepreneurial), we rely on various tools that allow professional training adapted to the real possibilities offered by the labor market; creation of conditions so that businesses can be born or developed that meet the specific needs of the population; promotion of microfinance for the creation and management of microenterprises, both in cities and in the countryside; help families so that they can sell their products or services in better conditions, even modifying or creating distribution channels, etc.


We work in collaboration with national and international institutions for the development of communities in the social environment and with public institutions in the territories where we operate. We also do it in partnership with the private sector, to involve it in the fight against poverty and, at the same time, favor a more inclusive and sustainable economic growth in society.


Our work strategy is as follows:


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