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Deporte, cultura y recreación

Enviromental culture

Colombia / Vulnerable population, civil population in general without distinction of race, creed or economic position / Social training , recovery of health, environmental culture, labor insertion , economic growth

Place: National territory of Colombia.




Valle del Cauca Department: in 1 Municipality (Cali) Afro-descendant and vulnerable communities (extreme poverty).





Afroestudiantes starting from the current reality that humanity is going through with the influence of climate change that affects terrestrial and marine ecosystems, but also societies and human livelihoods. For example, climate change threatens food production and fresh water supplies, leading to increased poverty and rising sea levels, threatening the homes of millions of people living in coastal areas, and some island states run the risk of disappearing altogether in the future.


For this reason AFROESTUDIANTES with more than 12 years working and researching in favor of the environment forms a special entity that provides the main tools to the individual from education to practice that promotes the improvement of human behavior in front of the ecosystem that is reflected in a cleaner environment.

Therefore, focused on the urgent need that the entire world has in the search to recover and protect our planet in all social, cultural, political, environmental and economic dimensions, acting directly in the daily activities of human beings such as education, health, gender equity, social cohesion and conflict resolution among other areas, ENTERPRISING ECOLOGICAL WOMEN carries out an important intervention in these areas that through an educational-practical and business methodology that the entity promotes in society for a positive change.


At AFROESTUDIANTES we believe that environmental culture  applied effectively, it becomes an important tool for the fight against extreme poverty, being part of the plan to promote the ROTATING AFROESTUDIANTES ECONOMY to achieve positive impacts on the communities.




  • Guarantee the participation of the individual in society in an inclusive, equitable and quality way for the human being.


  • Provide learning opportunities.


  • Regain health in a didactic way.


  • Improve access, diversity and stability of the economic income of families with different degrees of vulnerability.


  • Promote the improvement of the capacities of communities and organizations of Colombian civil society.


  • Promote cultural exchange.


  • Promote gender equity.


Beneficiaries: vulnerable population (extreme poverty), schools, colleges, universities, family nucleus, private or public companies and communities.


Title: Contributing to the integral formation of the individual through environmental culture through the application of the dimensional environmental education methodology that generates a change in human behavior in the face of the ecosystem.


Funded by: private sector, public sector and AFROESTUDIANTES.


Dates: 2009 - present.

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