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Social enterprise for development

We live in a globalized world, which we face constant changes, where the problems that exist in societies - extreme poverty, lack of education, insecurity, migration - directly affect our reality: in the business environment and in opportunities for human progress. Companies, as the main economic and social actors of our time, cannot remain indifferent to this reality.


COPERATIVE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) allows us to base ourselves on our development strategy to acquire a commitment to society, recognizing that innovation and technological advances are key to finding sustainable solutions to economic and environmental challenges. Additionally, productivity and income growth and improvements in health and education outcomes require investments in infrastructure. We believe that infrastructure must be updated and industries modernized to be sustainable. This can be achieved by increasing efficiency in the use of resources and a greater adoption of clean and ecological technologies and industrial processes in collaboration with public and private institutions and the entire civil population, making a constant call to educate communities through of the ecological footprint and thus arrive by acquiring the knowledge and experiences that help to design sustainable solutions to current social problems. Actions where the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of companies are more explicitly aligned with poverty reduction and long-term development, are generally known as CSR for Development (CSR + D) or "Actions Business and Development ”.


AFROESTUDIANTES does a very valuable job in the communities so that the internal and external companies of Afro-students get involved in solving the problems that affect society as a whole and / or in the communities where they operate. The roles that companies and the population in general adopt in society is decisive for their development. Companies can contribute to economic and social improvement in different ways: with financial contributions, promoting inclusion.

It is within the framework of CSR + D, where we establish alliances with companies and the civil population in general, fundamentally in two ways:


Strategic social action


We welcome all actors who wish to make economic or other contributions, be it companies, public or private institutions, the civilian population for projects to combat poverty, equity, health, education, etc. They are contributions that respond mainly to the need that, as citizens and corporate citizens, that human beings and companies have to be in solidarity with the problems of society. AFROESTUDIANTES assumes with transparency and responsibility the use of the contribution of companies, institutions or the civilian population in an efficient and transparent way, guaranteeing the impact and social profitability for the poorest.


We promote that companies, public or private institutions, civilians contribute to alleviating poverty, through financial donations, provision of services, social marketing actions and / or, to the extent of their possibilities, with other available resources, such as experience in volunteering, accepting human knowledge within the organization and the capacity of each individual for innovation. Our volunteer program, “Social Managers for Development” is framed within this approach.


Integration of CSR + D in the business


AFROESTUDIANTES also encourages the company to get involved in the fight against poverty from the core of the business. And it is that, to combat poverty, the company does not have to do things completely different from the way in which it is already doing them.


AFROESTUDIANTES, as allies for companies, public or private institutions and the civil population, we provide access to communities, knowledge about their needs, as well as approach strategies. Our goal is to support communities through the Afro-student multi-business strategy that makes a significant contribution to the development of inclusive businesses that allow a profit for companies and social development for the poorest, promoting equity at all levels.


An example of project development are: the development of productive programs in communities and the development of inclusive supply chains.

Empresa social para el desarrollo: Texto
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