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Quality training provides human beings with basic cognitive and linguistic skills and fosters physical and social-emotional development and learning.


Despite the enormous increase in wealth and rapid technological change, there are considerable deficiencies that hamper social development throughout the world. One of those shortcomings is the opportunity to access education. Education can be considered a basic requirement for a dignified human existence. Education transforms lives and is essential to improve the quality of life and human well-being. Without lifelong learning skills, in many parts of the world, people face greater barriers to earning income and finding employment.

Difficulties in accessing a formal job, which guarantees decent economic and living conditions, are multiplied in the case of the low-income population, who cannot access training services adapted to their reality. These barriers increase in the case of being a woman, or of having had a risky family and social environment.


The barriers to entry into companies, a source of qualified employment, are very high in the case of vulnerable populations, who have not been able to specialize, who do not have a profession, and, as in most developing countries, since his childhood performs different jobs every day in the informal sector, staying on the edge of subsistence.


For AFROESTUDIANTES, we consider that facilitating access to training is essential to achieve stable and dignified economic and social development. Thus, we promote the qualification of low-income people through professional training programs, always aimed at job placement. Statistically, people without access to education are more likely to suffer adverse health outcomes and less likely to participate in decisions that affect them. Education can promote ideals of non-violence, equality and mutual respect and has been identified as a key in the construction of peace, therefore we consider it essential that training is linked to the demands of qualified personnel of local companies, without leaving aside the needs of the most disadvantaged population: women heads of household, ethnic minorities, population in rural areas, young people at risk of social exclusion and people with disabilities.

Formación profesional e inserción laboral: Texto
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