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Colombia / Vulnerable population, civil population in general without distinction of race, creed or economic position / Social training , recovery of health, environmental culture, labor insertion , economic growth



National territory of Colombia.




​ Valle del Cauca Department in 1 Municipalities (Cali) communities: women  heads of families, women victims of the armed conflict, women victims of domestic violence and women who suffer racial discrimination.


Dates: 2018 - present.  



Line of action


Social training, health recovery, job placement, economic growth.  


Afro-students from analysis and research, has observed  the need for the female gender to assert its rights and generate its self-governance in society in a free and equitable way, taking into account the realities that many women currently face in humanity, where the female gender is violated in different ways, marginalizing it from an equitable participation in human activities (social, cultural, political and economic) thus affecting this gender in its integral development within society.


For this reason AFRO STUDENTS with more than 12 years working  In strengthening the role of women in the formation, conservation, rescue and promotion of cultural, political, economic and social values, thus promoting gender equality, an entity is formed where this gender can assert their rights fairly before society and at the same time provide you  the main tools that the individual needs to survive. Starting from education to the practice that promotes the improvement of human behavior towards the female gender, this entity (Project) that is part of the WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP program, HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS is an entity directed by women  heads of families, women victims of the armed conflict, women victims of domestic violence and women who suffer racial discrimination, this entity is a space where the female gender develops their knowledge with social authority, achieving self-governance that means improving the quality of life of their environments (families and society in general) through the work they do.


Therefore, focused on the need and urgency that the whole world has to improve the health of the individual, this being the reason to promote the recovery of health in a didactic way HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS comes to provide through its products, a transformation in society by revolutionizing eating habits with recipes and products with organic ingredients,  promoting in the same way the growth in the communities in all the social, cultural, political, environmental and economic dimensions, acting directly in the daily activities of the human being such as education, health, gender equality, social cohesion and resolution of conflicts among other areas, HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS intervenes in society to promote better nutrition habits in the individual with its food products.


Based on the business training of the female gender victims of different problems, working from the base of the individual THE MIND with the NLP methodology neurolinguistic programming applied in the business environment HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS encourages development in communities emphasizing its work on SDG 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 17 to generate a transformation in society.


At AFROESTUDIANTES we believe that by promoting family farming, improving eating habits, economic growth and gender equality  applied together in an effective way, it becomes an important tool for the fight against extreme poverty, being part of the plan to promote the ROTATING AFRICAN-STUDENT ECONOMY to achieve positive impacts on the communities.




  • Guarantee the participation of the individual in society in an inclusive, equitable and quality way for the human being.


  • Provide learning opportunities.


  • Regain health in a didactic way.


  • Improve the access, diversity and stability of the economic income of families with different degrees of vulnerability.


  • Promote the improvement of the capacities of communities and organizations of Colombian civil society.


  • Promote cultural exchange.


  • Promote gender equity




HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS is an entity (AFROESTUDIANTES project) with more than 2 years of experience, an entity that works in favor of gender equality, food security for the individual, economic growth, through the promotion of family farming  and the production of food products. We make it possible for the female gender to have the dignified space it deserves in society by promoting its inclusion in the socio-business sphere.




The mission, vision and values of HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS are a reflection of our commitment to Sustainable Development, addressing five dimensions of the human being, the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental dimensions, integrating them as a strategy  in the entity.




Our mission is to provide healthy food for human well-being, creating social and nutritional value for our society, promoting the rescue of health, environmental education, innovation, efficiency and the generation of employment and industrial fabric.





HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS will be the non-governmental organization with the greatest commitment to gender equality based on  the improvement of eating habits taking as  central axis integration and protection  of the communities  with the promotion of family farming and the distribution of quality food products that provide the consumer  nutrients necessary for the preservation of a healthy organism.


Our Values are the essence of HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS. They inspire and guide our conduct and characterize our relationship with our stakeholders:




As a company:

We promote the strict observance of fair conduct and honest behavior in the development of our work.


As employees:


Integrity is a personal and professional requirement of our employees that we apply in all activities, behaving in an upright and impartial manner, to deserve the trust of the parties involved.




As a company:


We defend an enduring model that combines food responsibility with economic efficiency, and the creation of value for society in the medium and long term.


As employees:


We know that the very nature of our mission contributes to preserving the environment, but we go further in our vocation to produce food products, striving to carry out a sustainable management that meets the current and future demands of society.




As a company:


We work closely with our stakeholders on a management model, in which public-private collaboration between companies, administrations and citizens is key to preserving gender equity.


As employees:


We believe in cooperation as the best way to work together towards common goals, taking advantage of the strengths and abilities of each team member.




As a company:


We maximize the performance of resources to combine the company's business objectives with the economic reasonableness of our management.


As employees:


We understand efficiency as cunning in the use of company resources, trying to make the most of them in the daily development of our activity.




As a company:


We act in a systematic, measurable and traceable way, based on technical objectivity and process control.


As employees:


As employees we direct our work towards the highest quality standards, diligently following established procedures and acting with reliability and transparency.




As a company:


We promote and apply technical advances throughout the entire cycle of food products, to optimize the management model and respond to the evolution of nutritional recipes.


As employees:


We maintain an open and creative attitude, at all levels of the organization, to incorporate technological and nutritional advances, which improve the internal and external processes of the company.




As a company:


We take the initiative to identify and promote the implementation of good practices in all our activities.


As employees:


All the professionals at HEALTHY PARFAIT PRODUCTS assume an active role in the company, identifying areas for improvement and proposing new ideas and projects to provide better service.


Beneficiaries: vulnerable population (extreme poverty), victims of the armed conflict, mothers who are heads of families, universities, family nuclei, private or public companies and communities.


Title: Neuro-entrepreneurial empowerment of women victims of gender exclusion, mothers who are heads of families, victims of the armed conflict, victims of domestic violence and racial discrimination.


Funded by: private sector, public sector and AFRO STUDENTS.


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