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At AFROESTUDIANTES we have a specific area of ​​Research and Social Innovation from where we investigate our areas of specialization as well as other issues in the field of international cooperation in the fight against poverty.


The goal to be achieved with this research is to apply research and innovation, and achieve the maximum impact in our development interventions.


Thus, from this area we direct the systematization of our socioeconomic projects. Thanks to these systematization processes, we can identify the successes and failures of our interventions, make our results visible, record the methodologies and tools for their replicability, and especially, share our lessons learned and recommendations with the rest of the national and international cooperation actors. .


Subsequently, and through our internal Knowledge Management system, we can transfer the knowledge and lessons learned to other projects and make methodological transfers from continent to continent, always with adequate adaptation to particular contexts. This process allows us to improve in different aspects:

Impact: Multiplying the results of our projects by repeating successes and avoiding failures.


Efficiency: Making the resources we have even more profitable based on experiences and tools developed for similar projects.


Aid effectiveness: Sharing our development experience with other national and international cooperation actors.

Both applied research and the systematization of projects serve as internal training tools and to contribute to the technical specialization of our organization.


Finally, we make our expertise available to other actors in jointly preparing publications and developing systematizations of other social experiences.

Investigación: Texto
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