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Microfinance for development

Lack of access to financial resources is one of the great obstacles for people living in poverty.


The idea of ​​development in humanity is presented as an attempt to improve people's economic conditions and situations. Economic conditions can be improved by promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, reducing inequality within and between countries, thus implementing equality reduces the risk of conflict and promotes opportunity so that all people participate and influence the integral development of society.


Taking into account the World Bank data, we see that approximately 2,500 million people and 200 million micro and small companies in the world do not have any financial services that support them in their family economy or in the expansion of their business. They are excluded from the financial system, mainly due to their lack of financial resources and their risk situation.


The vulnerable populations we work with face barriers such as distance, lack of guarantees and, above all, lack of trust from financial service providers. Financial exclusion is concentrated in certain population profiles: women, indigenous people, Afro-descendants, and remote and difficult-to-reach rural population.


At AFROESTUDIANTES we work for the financial inclusion of producers and families we support them based on the following strategies:

  • The strengthening of microfinance institutions so that they can be closer to urban and rural populations with limited resources.

  • The design and implementation of microfinance products, adapted to your economic and social reality.

  • The leverage of productive projects through public and private financing resources that allow responding to the demand of less favored urban and rural populations.

  • Accompaniment to beneficiaries in the execution of projects, reducing the perception of risk and existing barriers.

  • Alliances with the public and private sectors, which facilitate access to economic resources and a better execution of projects.

  • Financial education, to better manage family savings and established businesses.

Microfinanzas para el desarrollo: Texto
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